The Umbrella Academy recently aired its fourth and final season, much to the disappointment of its loyal fanbase. Since its debut in 2019, the Netflix series, based on Gerard Way’s comic book series, has gained a dedicated following. The long-awaited fourth season, consisting of only six episodes instead of the usual 10, has finally been released on Netflix. Despite the sadness surrounding the show’s conclusion, showrunner Steve Blackman has stated that the decision to end the series after season 4 was intentional. He had envisioned the ending of the series from the very beginning, aiming to provide a natural conclusion to The Umbrella Academy.
In an interview with SFX magazine, Blackman described season four as a “natural ending” for the show. He explained that he had planned the conclusion early on, aiming to resolve key mysteries such as Ben’s death and the Jennifer Incident. The final season sheds light on the circumstances surrounding Ben Hargreeves’s death and the actions taken by Reginald Hargreeves in response to the threat posed by Jennifer. The revelation that Reginald was responsible for Ben’s demise adds a new layer of complexity to the story, highlighting the darker aspects of the characters’ relationships.
While the fourth season of The Umbrella Academy may mark the end of the series on Netflix, creator Gerard Way’s comic book series is still ongoing. Blackman hinted that the conclusion of the TV series may differ from the comics, indicating that there are some deviations in the storyline. Despite this, Way expressed satisfaction with the direction the show took, appreciating some of the creative choices made by the production team. The influence of the comic book series on the show’s narrative is evident, with the fourth volume of the comics yet to be published.
Overall, The Umbrella Academy’s fourth season provides a satisfying conclusion to the series, offering answers to long-standing mysteries while leaving room for interpretation. Fans of the show can continue to enjoy the adventures of the Hargreeves siblings on Netflix, while anticipating the future developments in Gerard Way’s comic book series. The legacy of The Umbrella Academy lives on, captivating audiences with its unique blend of supernatural elements and family drama.