
The residents of Bury are up in arms over a proposed 28% increase in the cost of residents’ parking permits, which would see the annual fee rise from £35 to £45. The council claims the hike is necessary to alleviate financial pressures, but residents are calling foul, questioning how average people will afford such a substantial increase.

Residents’ parking permits in Bury are currently a hot topic of conversation, with around 1,500 permits issued each year in the town. These permits allow residents to park close to their homes in designated areas near town centers, hospitals, and Metrolink stops, where parking is restricted to permit holders only. Residents can obtain permits for their own vehicles as well as for visitors, with the current annual charge of £35 generating an income of £65,000 for the council.

However, the council is now proposing to raise the cost of residents’ permits to £45 per year, a move that has sparked outrage among residents. The council argues that the increase is necessary to ease financial pressures, pointing out that the new charge would still be lower than that of two other councils in Greater Manchester. In addition to the increase in residents’ permits, the council also plans to introduce a new charge of £25 for first visitor permits, which are currently free, and raise the cost of second visitor passes from £35 to £45.

The proposed changes are expected to generate an additional £125,000 in annual income for the council. A post announcing the new charges and soliciting feedback was shared on Facebook by the council, where it was met with overwhelmingly negative responses. Residents expressed frustration with what they see as yet another financial burden being placed on average people, who are already struggling to make ends meet.

One commenter on the council’s Facebook page wrote, “Stop penalizing the average person. How do you expect people to pay for it when they’re already choosing between food and heating?” Another expressed dissatisfaction with the council’s approach, saying, “Another scheme where the council acts like they are doing you a service, yet it’s a scheme to get money for parking on a road you’ve already paid road tax for.”

In response to the backlash, a spokesperson for Bury Council defended the proposed changes, stating, “We have reviewed how other councils charge for parking permits, and we are looking to revise how we manage and issue visitor permits. This will generate additional income to help support our financial pressures and bring us in line with other councils.” The spokesperson also assured residents that there are no plans to change the current process where free permits can be provided to those who are eligible.

As the debate over the proposed increase in residents’ parking permit costs continues to unfold, residents are left grappling with the prospect of yet another financial burden. The council’s justification for the hike may not be enough to assuage the concerns of residents who are already feeling the pinch of rising living costs and stagnant wages. The question remains: how will average people afford it?